Evaluation of NanoMECommons Innovations from Innovation Radar has been published

The NanoMECommons project has been evaluated by experts for the Innovation Radar, regarding the innovations in the project and its market potential. More information on the results can be seen on this link.
The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative to identify high potential innovations and innovators in EU-funded research and innovation projects.

M24 Progress Meeting – Rome, Italy -25 -26 January 2023

The nanoMECommons M24 Progress meeting was hosted at the Department of Engineering by the University “Roma Tre” (Rome, Italy). At this in-person two-day meeting, partners presented their good progress during this 24 months and future plans.


Participation at the FOMI22 – 12-15 September 2022

NanoMECommons will be represented by the partner Goldbeck Consulting Ltd, who will present at 12th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI22), 12-15 Sept 2022, Tarbes (France): https://ontocommons.eu/news-events/events/12th-international-workshop-formal-ontologies-meet-industry-fomi22 The paper to be presented is titled: The CHAMEO ontology: exploiting EMMO’s multiperspective versatility for capturing materials characterization procedures. Authors: Pierluigi Del Nostro, Gerhard Goldbeck and Daniele Toti.

NanoMECommons will be present at the MSE 2022, 27-29 September- Germany

NanoMECommons partner, Goldbeck Consulting Ltd will have a Keynote Lecture in Symposium M04 entitled: Modelling and characterisation as knowledge sources in a digital materials ecosystem: activities of EMMC, EMCC and related projects. They will also give a lecture in Symposium C07, titled: A domain ontology for materials characterization methodologies, Goldbeck, G. (Speaker); Del Nostro, P.; Toti, D. This event is taking place on the 27-29 September. In Darmstadt (Germany). More information on the following link: https://dgm.de/mse/2022/

nanoMECommons M18 Review Meeting 19-20 June 2022

The NanoMECommons M18 Review meeting took place on the 19-20 June 2022, as a hybrid event, hosted in Leoben, Austria by the partner Montanuniversitaet Leoben.
Partners of the nanoMECommons project presented their work carried out during the first 18 months. as well as the plans for the future. The meeting was attended by the Project Officer and Project Monitor, who were happy with the progress the project has achieved so far.

nanoMECommons was present at the FLEPS 2022 – 11 July 2022

Dr Donna Dykeman from Ansys Granta (nanoMECommons partner), gave a presentation at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2022) on the 11 July 2022. The conference was held as a hybrid event, in Vienna, Austria. The talk was entitled: Building an industry-driven “innovation ecosystem” through the establishment of digital platforms for characterization.

nanoMECommons M12 Meeting 18-19 Jan. 2022

The nanoMECommons project held their 12-month review meeting virtually, on the 18-19 January 2022.
The partners presented the first results of their work, the progress achieved on this first year, as well as the plans for the future plans.

Workshop on Materials characterization – 13 December 2021

The NanoMECommos Project organised a Workshop on Materials characterisation challenges to support the industry transition in the digital era“. The workshop took place virtually on December 13th and had the participation of around 60 people.

The workshop was divided in 4 sessions:

  • Interoperability – Standardization – Harmonization
  • Think Digital – entry to a new era
  • Industrial Insights
  • Roundtable