Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL), Department of Materials Science – Austria
About us
Department of Materials Science (DMS) of the MUL is a world-wide recognized scientific institution in the field of synthesis and characterization of advanced functional nanostructured materials with more than 25 years of experience in the field and 150+ researchers (including technicians and administration staff). At the DMS, 100+ projects were funded within the last 5 years including Christian Doppler Laboratories, EU FP7 projects and national grants. Additionally, several Horizon 2020 projects including ERC starting, consolidator and advanced grants are running at the DMS.
Within the Department of Materials Science, research is done at the highest international level, to achieve a detailed understanding of the structure and the properties of materials and materials systems. In teaching, students are integrated as early as possible in research activities, to gain new insights by joint research of supervisors and students. The obtained findings are transferred to the society via publications, to establish a solid knowledge basis for future applications. International visibility of the Materials Science area at Montanuniversität Leoben stems from a supercritical size, which necessitates the completeness in methods available to us and in the materials classes covered.